Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Without maid : Day 2

Tougher day...

My uncle just back from outstation. So, as per expected, was busier in the morning with office work. Luckily, my aunty helped to check on the little monster's homework. At least I still could survive.

Lunch. We ended up in super simple lunch. Rice with egg, one leftover dish from my mum and also vege soup. Really too rush to cook while working. My maid used to cook lunch for us. Else, she would help me to prepare all the ingredients and I just quickly cooked them. Now, from preparing to cooking to washing, all by myself. Bit hectic...

As usual, washing, hanging, collecting and folding clothes.

I'm quite tired now. What to do?

Need to schedule myself to spare some time to clean up office tomorrow.

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