Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bad Luck????

Sometimes I need to do a lot of photocopy job in my office. It's kinda common that my fingers got cut by paper. Normally it would be just minor cut and bleed for a bit.

Today, again, my ring finger was cut by paper when I flipped the paper for photocopy. I could actually feel the paper cut deep into my finger this round. I know it would bleed more than usual as it's deep. Immediately I put my finger into my mouth and the next moment I was like "drinking" my own blood.

Got no idea why was the paper so sharp that it made a deep cut. Luckily it stopped bleeding after few minutes. Who knows? While I was taking a 3" arch file out from the cabinet, my finger started to bleed again when I applied pressure to take the heavy file out.

Why am I so prone to be cut by paper? Why paper always bully me??? Or actually it's me that being careless all the time???

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